Leef finds potency and purity in the confines of an organic/non-GMO foundation. They are soil science nerds and believe premium product comes from the soil up.
Their unconventional process of refinement is second to none. Their single origin harvests are the cleanest form of CBD extract possible. They do not add any chemicals, over-heat, or strip the plant as with other common extraction methods.
Nothing does well in isolation which is why we have steered away from traditional CO2 extraction techniques
Their unique whole plant extraction technique allows full inclusion of all vital compounds in their natural form and therefore preserves the integrity of the plant. When the compounds of a plant are combined in their natural state, we don’t end up with the sum of the parts; we receive a multiplying effect. Think of it as the difference between taking an ascorbic vitamin c tablet and eating an orange: the overall difference in the available nutrient profiles is immense.
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